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Fan The Flame

2 Timothy 1:6
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

Fan the Flame is our short missions trip program designed to rekindle the embers of your heart, igniting your life with a new passion to live out the first commandment lifestyle of loving God first and loving your neighbor as yourself.

During our time together, we will be studying 2 Timothy and diving deeper into the word of God. Our goal is not only to provide you with a great experience but also to see you grow in your faith as you step out to bless others!

By obeying God and generously sowing into the lives of others, we are fanning the flame of our faith. It is not throught our own works but by allowing God to lead our lives that we grow in righteousness. Obedience and holy living naturally flow from our faith and trust in Jesus as we follow Him. Form the overflow of a life of intimacy with Jesus, fruit grows and lives are transformed, including our own, as we step out into the heart of God. Join us on this faith journey!

2024 Dates


Life Center

Mission Trips

March 7th-9th

Come join us as we parter with the Life Center to reach the lost, sharing the love of Jesus! We will be leaving from the Mankato area at 5:30pm on Thursday, March 7th. That night we will be joining the service at the Life Center and have some team discipleship time. Throughout the day on Friday, we will be helping in practical ways such as cleaning, serving, and possibly doing some construction. Friday night, we will join the Street Team for outreach. On Saturday morning, our goal will be to finish up any service projects, followed by evangelism/outreach in the afternoon. The cost of this trip will be $75 per person, which will include the cost of food.

ICCM Life Center

ICCM Life Center is an urban ministry center committed to transforming impoverished people through the power of Jesus Christ. The Life Center began in 1993 in the living room of Chris and Monica’s South Minneapolis home. Today, after more than 25 years of inner-city ministry, they understand what it takes to see a life transformed. From homelessness, addiction, and abuse to having a renewed mind and life through the power of Jesus Christ.

Urban Outreach,

East St. Louis,

Mission Trip

May 14th-17th

On this trip we will be doing service/construction projects during the day, mainly focusing on the exterior of the Urban Outreach Church. In the evening, we will be doing street outreach! Don’t have any construction experience no problem. The cost of this trip is $150 this will cover gas and food for the 15th-16th, we will be driving so we can bring the tools that we need for the trip.

Love Twin Cities

June 21st-29th

We are partnering with the FireBase Movement to bring up a team from southern MN to join the body of Christ in reaching the lost with the love of Jesus Christ! You are welcome to join us for one day, two days or for the whole week!

The citywide church is gathering to engage the heart of God in worship, prayer and out of His presence going forth and engaging our culture with acts of love and the proclamation of gospel truth. Love Twin Cities is an opportunity for the church to experience the book of Acts and to grow in hunger to live a lifestyle of intimacy and mission. To do what we were made to do – to know God and make Him known throughout the Twin Cities.

Love Mankato

July 26th-27th

Love Mankato is a citywide church outreach. Our goal is to have two days from 8am to 12am of seeking the heart of God in worship, prayer and outreach of engaging our city with the love of Jesus in the proclamation of gospel truth.

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Join us in reaching people with the love of Jesus! Love Mankato is an opportunity for the church to grow in the unity of Jesus Chirst and live a lifestyle of intimacy and mission. We are called to know God and to make Him known throughout the world, starting right where we are!

Jam on the Ave!

August 13th-17th, Jam on the Ave, ICCM

This is an amazing trip! Sign up today and don’t miss out as we continue to parter with the Life Center to reach the lost and share the love of Jesus! Throughout the day, we will be helping in practical tasks such as construction projects, cleaning, serving, handing out event flyers, sharing the gospel and praying for people! During the evening events, we will be serving alongside other volunteers in various roles including set up, food serving, kid’s service, tear down, sharing the gospel and the love of Jesus!

We will be staying at the life center church building, so please bring your own bedding, pillow, and air mattress if you have one. Also, remember to bring personal hygiene items and a towel. The cost for the trip is $150.

Hip-Hop Jam on the Ave is a 4-day outreach in Minneapolis with food, music and an inspirational message to elevate the hopes of our inner city community and expose them to the great opportunities offered by the Life Center.

October 18th-19th Twin Cities mission trip

More information coming soon!

Participants we be required to participate in a one night evangelism training/local outreach, one week prior to leaving for a 2-7 day mission trip.